Eclipse | Teen Ink


December 4, 2018
By Gianellamg BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Gianellamg BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My heart skipped a beat the day we had met.

You were such a beautiful ray of light. 

I thought that this was the best life could get.

Your eyes sparkled like the stars in the night.


Now, there is a distance when you are near

and so much love has gone. It faded fast.

This is the kind of ache I always fear.

I knew in my heart that we would not last. 


We were just a dream, not reality. 

You were such a liar, that is your crime. 

Oh, how my heart breaks, such insanity.

I regret wasting so much of my time. 


Maybe in a new world, we can be one.

But for now, I have lost hope. I am done.

The author's comments:

This piece is about a person realizing that their relationship is no longer working out. There is a distance between the couple and the speaker of the sonnet finally decides to let go. 

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