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#10521voted by our readers
By Anonymous

Waiting for the sun to rise looking for time to be on my side I know its not love is like a gunshot That’s how love’s always been It always hurts the same You can’t ever get...

#10522 Poetry
By Anonymous
#10523 Poetry
MeaganReed GOLD, Perrysburg, Ohio
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything happens for a reason

#10524 Poetry
By KingReject SILVER
Gueydan, Louisiana
KingReject SILVER, Gueydan, Louisiana
9 articles 0 photos 24 comments
#10525 Poetry
Somewhere, North Carolina
AsIAm PLATINUM, Somewhere, North Carolina
48 articles 3 photos 606 comments

Favorite Quote:
"According to some, heroic deaths are admirable things. (Generally those who don't have to do it. Politicians and writers spring to mind.) I've never been convinced by this argument, mainly because, no matter how cool, stylish, composed, unflappable, manly, or defiant you are, at the end of the day you're also dead. Which is a little too permanent for my liking." — Jonathan Stroud (Ptolemy's Gate)

#10526 Poetry
By Anelamailani GOLD
Vancouver, Washington
Anelamailani GOLD, Vancouver, Washington
16 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
A true friend is a promise you keep forever.

#10527 Poetry
By Cody_Goelz PLATINUM
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Cody_Goelz PLATINUM, Fort Wayne, Indiana
25 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
Only God Can Judge Me<br /> 2pac Amaru Shakur<br /> <br /> life goes on<br /> 2pac Amaru Shakur

#10528 Poetry
By Junebug694 GOLD
Brentwood, Tennessee
Junebug694 GOLD, Brentwood, Tennessee
17 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;there&#039;s only us; there&#039;s only this. forget regret, or life is yours to miss. no other road; no other way; no day but today.&quot; - rent<br /> &quot;to dare is to lose one&#039;s footing momentarily, not to dare is to lose oneself.&quot; -Soren Kierkegaard

#10529 Poetry
By Special-Ice-Apples GOLD
Pinedale, Arizona
Special-Ice-Apples GOLD, Pinedale, Arizona
15 articles 0 photos 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Love is just a word until someone special comes along and gives it a meaning.&quot;<br /> <br /> &quot;I love walking in the rain, &#039;cause then no one can tell I&#039;m crying.&quot;<br /> <br /> &quot;Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.&quot;

#10530 Poetry
Uranium GOLD, Charlotte, North Carolina
10 articles 8 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
He who burns books only denies himself a new point of view, making himself that much more nearsighted of the truth.