Drifiting Away | Teen Ink

Drifiting Away

April 7, 2014
By Alexaah SILVER, Whitefish, Montana
Alexaah SILVER, Whitefish, Montana
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lifting drifting sifting away
Again and again agonizing pain
I don’t want to let go
But it’s so hard to stay
My grip is now slipping
I’m making no gain

I’m cold inside
I’m losing my hold
But still I fight
Fight not to fold
I will not cower I will not hide
I will not let myself die inside

I’m blind in the light
But lost in the darkness
Slipping I am losing sight
Left here sitting
Consumed by loneliness
But I will not cower I will not hide
Even though I scream like a girl inside

Lost in darkness
Crying without a sound
But I’m becoming hopeless
Screaming without a shout

But I will not cower I will not hide
Even though I still scream like a girl inside

The author's comments:
This is only the first part of a song I wrote. I wrote this based on how I was feeling one time, and I want people out there who are feeling the same to know that they are not alone and it will get better.

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