If I Forget You | Teen Ink

If I Forget You

April 23, 2014
By RozaSpeed SILVER, Adairsville, Georgia
RozaSpeed SILVER, Adairsville, Georgia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dear Algebra,
Stop asking us to find your x
she's not coming back

you broke my heart
you tore it all apart
you stole my happiness
you took it all away
everyone is telling me to forget you
but if I do I will lose the good memories too
oh, they're the reason why I can look back and smile
you are a chapter in my life that I can't forget
people all around remind me of you and the laughter that we shared I can't understand how people can walk away without feeling anything
because I forget you
I wouldn't know how to smile
if I forgot I would be drowning in my own mind
I can't let go without losing apart of myself
I can't forget you
because if I do
then my heart would break in two
don't expect me to forget you
because I can't forget you

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