Why Are You Still Here | Teen Ink

Why Are You Still Here

May 15, 2013
By Destiny_Edmon SILVER, Melbourne, Florida
Destiny_Edmon SILVER, Melbourne, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Now why are you still here
I told you to leave
but you keep running back
running back to me

Why are you still here
I told you to go
When you asked for me back
I should have said no

You’ve came into my life
and changed all my thoughts
And now we are so cold
when we used to be so hot

I should’ve known
you were just coming back for more
I should've know it wouldn't end good
as soon as you walked into that door

You said you cared
but all you did was mislead
tore apart my skin and pulled out my heart
that’s what you did to me

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