Society | Teen Ink


May 15, 2013
By Destiny_Edmon SILVER, Melbourne, Florida
Destiny_Edmon SILVER, Melbourne, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A heart is not a heart
without a beat
A loss is not a loss
without a defeat
We have no air
without a breath
We do not end
without a death

But some question
the forces of nature
The blame our mother Earth
and hate her
Without all these grievances
what is this being
Is it an illusion
or just misleading

Have we not forgot
what brought us here
Do we not listen
with our own ears
Or do we trust
what other’s say
Act as if it’s true
and continue on with our day

Have we decided
to just go with the flow
And believe things
that we do not know
Is it all true
what we hear from other’s minds
Relying on the truthfulness
of mankind

What happened to the need
of knowing what’s right
Our minds have just become dark
like a pitch black night
We are becoming misled
and deceived
from the pressures of people
and society

What has brought this
what is not the best
Just opinionist, pessimists
and societist
What happened to us
needing a lil’ certainty
Now we don’t care
how things we really supposed to be

What has to be done
needs to be said
not unspoken words
just locked in your head
just close your eyes
we’ll be alright
hold my hand
hold it tight

We’ll all get through this
one way or another
respect our family
respect our mothers
strive for the truth
not believe the lies
those obvious
and one’s in disguise

Make the day yours
as I will make it mine
and when we do
everything will become fine
Say everything
on the tip of your tongue
fix the problems in our life
while we’re young

Set our goals
believe in your dreams
we have to hold this world together
by it’s seams
Times passing by fast
and it’s winning
But great time
is on it’s way to balancing

Don’t wait for it
make it come to you
We just have to relax
yeah, that’s what we have to do.

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