Fade Away | Teen Ink

Fade Away

January 24, 2011
By AWonders GOLD, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
AWonders GOLD, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
18 articles 1 photo 2 comments

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Problems are like the Ghosts from Mario, if you don't face them, they tend to follow you...

Guess you know your funeral was today
There's still so much I wanted to say
For a while cards and flowers will come our way
I need to say one thing if I may
Memories of you, don't fade away

I went and found your picture today
In a paper I couldn't bring myself to throw away
The last time I say you seems like yesterday
Now I can't even remember what you use to say
Memories, please don't fade away

I understand people come and go
But I don't know why I feel so low
Friends and loved ones, can't their memories stay
What more is there to say
Memories, please don't fade away

Seems like forever since I've seen your face
Memories of you I can't seem to trace
What ever happened to my yesterday
Memories, oh memories, why can't you stay
Pappy please, don't fade away

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 14 2011 at 8:15 am
tiffgeexo-xo GOLD, Grand Forks, North Dakota
13 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
The only person who can destroy you is yourself.

this is really good,
i'm sorry for your loss.

this makes me think of my cousin....i miss her everyday and its already been over a year.