Life Crusades | Teen Ink

Life Crusades

June 18, 2010
By scenexgore PLATINUM, Iron City, Tennessee
scenexgore PLATINUM, Iron City, Tennessee
25 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Don't do this, I'll be good,
I was alright, I understood,
I don't feel alright, I'll be good,

I don't believe in futures,
For the phantom shadow fallows,
And carries out torture,
leading us to the gallows,

I'm walking with the dead tonight,
For we're killing them,
I'm walking from the dead tonight,
I see a future in him,

My eyes they're wide open,
Staring at creation,
In this broken world,
Creation a morbid picture,
The perfect backdrop for life,

Can't you see the end is near?
Darling, Haney, precious, Dear,

Come with me,
It will be alright,
We need to leave the dead tonight,
Open your eyes,
Stare at creation in this broken world,

I do believe in futures,
Though the phantom shadow fallows,
And carries out torture,
Which may lead to the gallows,

We're walking from the dead tonight,
Were we killing them?
We're walking from the dead tonight,
There is a future in him,

Forgivness is here,
Darling, Honey, Precious, Dear

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