Untitled | Teen Ink


November 10, 2009
By Dylan//479 SILVER, Springdale, Arkansas
Dylan//479 SILVER, Springdale, Arkansas
7 articles 8 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And your very flesh, shall be a great poem"
"Simplicity is the beauty of our expression."

Selective countenance,
Makes for simple abrasions.
Apathetic attitudes,
Conquering the weak-minded.
How long will you trod,
On burning sand?
Your feet will melt away,
And abandonment takes over;
You are left in your own creation.

How long? How long?
Will you ignore the pleas?
Of a one so loving,
Of a one so loving?

Look around you,
At a creation so majestic!
Ignorance is the world’s crutch.
Blindness; admiralty;
These incompatibilities coalesce,
Diluting the purity,
Of the water of life.
How can a nation ignore
A truth that is so evident?

How can a people spurn,
A gift so perfect,
A call so gracious,
A name so beautiful,
A love so infinite?
So infinite.

How long? How long?
Will you ignore the pleas?
Of a one so loving,
Of a one so loving?

Selective countenance,
Makes for simple abrasions.
Do you not realize
These scars that build up?
Abandonment takes over,
You are left in your own,

Heed the pleas,
A one so loving.

The author's comments:
Speaks to the proof that i see in the world, and i question why everyone can ignore something greater than themself. help with a title?? :D

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