Let the angels be defiant | Teen Ink

Let the angels be defiant

May 29, 2014
By Lpshyguy BRONZE, West Chester, Ohio
Lpshyguy BRONZE, West Chester, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tricked, trapped, dragged to hell
Chained with words of hate
Fury bubbles, steams and swells
as we are pierced with evil debate

Some of us have been broken,
Some killed or suicidal
Feather are taken like a token
by our venomous rival.

But some seem strong,
But its merely a façade,
We're broken, so wrong.
On us they trod.

Keep listening, there's hope.
We can break our chains and fly,
Keep fighting, don't choke.
Just keep your head high.

And let the angels be defiant!
Let us rise up and sing!
Never say you just cant!
Hold on, Spread your wings!

Let the angels be defiant
From now on, Today we're free!
Come on, just simply try it!
Let it begin with you and me.

The author's comments:
Afterwords: We are all angels, trodden upon by the scum of the earth. But we are angels, we need to fly and sing, be confident in who you are, and never get dragged down again. Even if your wings have been broken, just take our hands and we will be your wings and fly. Let the angels be defiant, Drown out the devilish cries. Let the angels be defiant, let there be an uproar! Let the angels be defiant, rise and take a stand! Be who you are, the wind is at your back and so are we. And let the angels be defiant. Thank you for reading

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This article has 1 comment.

Sir Adam said...
on Jun. 7 2014 at 11:11 pm
LPShyguy, your ability to capture the emotions of your peers is an amazing gift, please keep writing!