The Tale of Black Bunny | Teen Ink

The Tale of Black Bunny

August 3, 2013
By Sara Yaseen SILVER, Oakton, Virginia
Sara Yaseen SILVER, Oakton, Virginia
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A little Black Bunny went hopping through town
Then all of a sudden he started to frown
He came like a scholarly, old merit
Waiting in line for his daily carrot
When he saw the line stretch to the sky
His puny jaw dropped and in came a fly
The bunny choked, gagged, and fell to the ground
It was hard to tell but he looked very round
Out came the fly whose head was spinning
Black Bunny got up with a plan, grinning
He pretended to still have the fly in his throat
Making other bunnies laugh while he sang a musical note
He cut and was first in line
Trying to make up his devious mind
He decided to get the largest, orange one
He paid for it and had so much fun
He decided to do the same the next day
Fooling all his friends with his fake soiree
Every day he would do this and he enjoyed every bit
He still got his carrot and the fun that came with it
Until one day Sheriff Bunny came to town
He followed Black Bunny, making no sound
Sheriff Bunny caught Black Bunny in his scam
When Black Bunny was arrested he shouted oh damn!
He wrested Sheriff Bunny off of his back
He escaped justice with his pride in tacked
Unfortunately Black Bunny couldn’t run too fast
Sheriff Bunny followed after and slapped his a**
He dragged the criminal to his police car
Soon after Black Bunny was behind the cell bar
In jail, the bunny waited for his phone call
He called Borders book store in the mall
He wanted to cancel that order he made
Sadly the call got lost and his voice started to fade
He sat there in his cell as quiet as a mouse
Wondering when the postman got to his house
The package contained nothing of need
Just a story about himself he curiously wanted to read

The author's comments:
My inspiration is bunnies.

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