Say goodbye | Teen Ink

Say goodbye

July 18, 2013
By Anonymous

Say goodbye to the leafy trees
And to the sweet dancing breeze
Say goodbye to the happy sun
Say goodbye to everyone.

Say goodbye to the smiling moon
And tell him you won't be returning soon
Say goodbye to this pretty world
For I am taking you away,my girl.

I am taking you to a place
So pretty that would suit your face
But the path to this heaven is tough
The climbs are steep,the roads are rough.

The path will be filled with sorrow and pain
That in this world you have gained
But we'll have glimpses of joy and fun
And all the love that you have won.

We might face obstacles big and small
That will make us slip and fall
But my dear,don't be scared
And remember that I am always there.

But all the people who have loved you dear
Will miss you when you are not near
They will look up to the sky
Searching for you and cry

My dear daughter,tell them so
That even after you go
You will never be apart
But stay with them,in their hearts.

Ask them not to cry,but pray
Pray for you as you go away
Go away to a better world
A world where you will be happy ,my girl

A world where you will know no sorrow
Where you can hope for a better tomorrow
A world devoid of pain and tears
A world which makes you forget your fears.

A world which has no evil or greed
But gives you everything you need
In this world,you'll always be with me
Today,tomorrow and for eternity.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Aug. 3 2013 at 10:53 am
I_Love_To_Write BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
1 article 0 photos 11 comments
Thanks a lot.Your comments mean a lot to me

on Jul. 24 2013 at 3:42 pm
jazzwarrior GOLD, Springfield, Missouri
19 articles 0 photos 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
Weeds are flowers, too, once you get to know them. -A.A. Milne

I like this poem, but I think it's more a free verse than a limerick. Other than that, it's nice.