Poem of an introvert student | Teen Ink

Poem of an introvert student

April 4, 2013
By explojohn BRONZE, Oakley, California
explojohn BRONZE, Oakley, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm uncomfortable;
Annoyed, by all of your faces.
Yes that's mean but
all of you are to blame for this;
Your personalites are crude,
your manner's rude,
get out of my class - wait, we're reading aloud?
No, first let me erase this.

The author's comments:
Just like a lot of other kids in high school, I suffer from shyness and peer pressure. What others think of me worries me every day I go to school. But all of this doesn't mean I have my own opinion.. My classmates lack respect for school and it's highly evident in their behaviors. I do not like my classmates, but I worry about what they may think about me. We had to write a poem in the beginning of class and I wrote what I was feeling as I listened to the class around me. The idea of me getting up to share this terrified me.

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