He loves me | Teen Ink

He loves me

March 16, 2013
By Anonymous

He loves me,
He loves me not.
I hope he does
he's all I've got.
He loves me,
he loves me not.
He loves me...
One by one,
they fall to my feet.
He loves me not.
The petals half gone,
Thrown down to rot.
He loves me...
a feeling of doubt
washes over me.
He loves me not.
I'm not like her,
It's plain to see.
He loves me,
He loves me not.
He loves me...
I don't know what he needs
but if I did, thats what I'd be.
He loves me not.
Three petals left
around that yellow dot.
He loves me,
He loves me not.
My heart beats fast,
My skin is hot.
...He loves me.

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