Haiku by teens on a variety of topics | Teen Ink


Most recently submitted Haikus

By beyondthesky PLATINUM
Santa Monica, California

The new day begins I claw for inspiration My mind bleeds darkness
beyondthesky PLATINUM, Santa Monica, California
34 articles 3 photos 65 comments

Favorite Quote:
It&#039;s nicer to think dear, pretty thoughts and keep them in one&#039;s heart, like treasures. I don&#039;t like to have them laughed at or wondered over.<br /> -L.M. Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables)

Period MAG
By addictwithapen PLATINUM
Norfolk, Virginia
addictwithapen PLATINUM, Norfolk, Virginia
21 articles 14 photos 163 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I&#039;m at it again as an addict with a pen.&quot; - twenty one pilots, addict with a pen

By addictwithapen PLATINUM
Norfolk, Virginia
addictwithapen PLATINUM, Norfolk, Virginia
21 articles 14 photos 163 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I&#039;m at it again as an addict with a pen.&quot; - twenty one pilots, addict with a pen

Your_Apathetic_Basketcase ELITE, Orlando, Florida
137 articles 0 photos 42 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Just remember, if the world didn&#039;t suck, we&#039;d all fall off.&quot;<br /> -Derrolyn Anderson<br /> <br /> &quot;Don&#039;t trust everything you see, even salt looks like sugar.&quot;<br /> <br /> &quot;The sea speaks more honestly... To those willing to drown.&quot; -J.D. Hard

By Smudges GOLD
Concord, Massachusetts
Smudges GOLD, Concord, Massachusetts
10 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;How strange it is to be anything at all.&quot; --Unknown

By Smudges GOLD
Concord, Massachusetts
Smudges GOLD, Concord, Massachusetts
10 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;How strange it is to be anything at all.&quot; --Unknown

WindRaven SILVER, Fairview, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 5 comments
Your_Apathetic_Basketcase ELITE, Orlando, Florida
137 articles 0 photos 42 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Just remember, if the world didn&#039;t suck, we&#039;d all fall off.&quot;<br /> -Derrolyn Anderson<br /> <br /> &quot;Don&#039;t trust everything you see, even salt looks like sugar.&quot;<br /> <br /> &quot;The sea speaks more honestly... To those willing to drown.&quot; -J.D. Hard

doodlesmores SILVER, Milford, Indiana
8 articles 4 photos 28 comments

Favorite Quote:
”And I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do.” - Michael Scott

Your_Apathetic_Basketcase ELITE, Orlando, Florida
137 articles 0 photos 42 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Just remember, if the world didn&#039;t suck, we&#039;d all fall off.&quot;<br /> -Derrolyn Anderson<br /> <br /> &quot;Don&#039;t trust everything you see, even salt looks like sugar.&quot;<br /> <br /> &quot;The sea speaks more honestly... To those willing to drown.&quot; -J.D. Hard