Story of Kazu | Teen Ink

Story of Kazu

December 9, 2016
By SavannaAtkins BRONZE, Steamboat Springs, Colorado
SavannaAtkins BRONZE, Steamboat Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a boy
Who only spoke in Haiku
His name was Kazu

He loved the challenge
People often got confused
But he didn’t mind

Standing very small
He did not like to speak much
Someone in silence

One day he walked in
The other students sat down
He too took his seat

The teacher arrived
And handed out the paper
Kazu held it out

He smiled at it
Written on it was the words
Poetry unit

This means there would be
Haiku’s included in it
His talent would shine

A few week’s went by
The other poem’s were shared
Each one was unique

Time went by quickly
Before it was time to share
His haiku poem


Next his name was called
He slowly walked to the front
He took one deep breath

He spoke perfectly
Everyone listen deeply
The poem spoke truth

Such meaning in it
About the unhappy world
This is how it went

A world in despair
Some only see the sadness
This Earth needs our help 

The tree’s cannot speak
Animals can only cry
Ocean’s filled with trash

We only sit back
Why not stand up and help them
Because who else will

His poem was short
But carried so much meaning
His classmates were shocked

The teacher began
To clap and the classed joined her
Finally, they heard

Kazu spoke his mind
In only nine short phrases
And now they know why

He was a quiet
Soul but had a very large mind
Who cared very much

Speaking in complex
Riddles that made him something
Kazu was unique

The author's comments:

For a class I had to write a creative indpendent piece. Since we did a poetry unit that I enjoyed very much I decided to get creative and write a Story in Haiku's

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