Four Seasons Haikus | Teen Ink

Four Seasons Haikus

April 25, 2016
By E.T.Dobbs BRONZE, Pomona, New York
E.T.Dobbs BRONZE, Pomona, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and above all, those who live without love.&quot; -Albus Dumbledore<br /> &quot;Walking with a friend in the darkness is better than walking alone in the light.&quot; -Helen Keller

Rain splashes gently

On the moist sodden meadow

A songbird still sings


Warmth of the moon's light
Wind blows on a summer's night
Love is in the air 


Chills replace the warmth
Brisk autumn wind weakens trust
Doubt engulfs the mind 


Harsh and cold as ice

Suspicion turns to hate

Snow stained with crimson.


How tempted am I
To write a haiku about
The Four Seasons band


Frankie Valli and
The Four Seasons are a great
Band to write about

The author's comments:

Written in freshman year as an English poetry assignment, these haikus were simple and pleasurable to create. I had fun with each one of them, especially the final two, which were far more humorous than the actual seasonal poems. Each true seasonal haiku was inspired by a piece of a short story I was writing at the time, which has since become a major work of mine. I hope that readers may receive the same feelings of tranquility and peace I did while working on these poems. 

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