space | Teen Ink


March 26, 2016
By whitejesus SILVER, Omaha, Nebraska
whitejesus SILVER, Omaha, Nebraska
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
in order to be the greatest you must first be the least

Space. What is space?

Space is a void. Space is alone.

But we seek for space,

But can't find it.


Are we looking in the wrong place? 

no, yes...

I don't know.


What if we are space?


I can see it in your face.

The wheels turning, 

The gears grinding.


The student down the hall that gets bullied,

The mother that gets beat,

And the father that's constantly working and hates his life.


Space is pain, 

And loneliness.


Space isn't seen with the eyes of your face,

But felt with the heart.


It's what we seek to fill, 

And some will succeed, 

But most will grieve.


Those with space,

They wander alone,

Wonder when they'll get home,

To the place they've never known.



This is space,

That we all must face,

Before reaching the place,

So we can finally say, 

We have conquered our space.

The author's comments:

Space, it's something we all face, it's a daily struggle, a daily battle. But we can beat it, and we can become so much more. Never let anyone beat you down and take away your fight. 

You are strong and beautiful. You are you and theres noone like you.

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