Anticipation | Teen Ink


February 5, 2016
By AgathaHeng BRONZE, Cerritos, California
AgathaHeng BRONZE, Cerritos, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I walk through the gates 

There's only one golden rule 

Just try and be cool


Year two of high school

I've fallen into routine 

Getting bored of me 


I'm halfway done now 

Involved in activities 

Craving my degree 


I exit through the gates 

It is now my last day 

Now feeling dismay 

The author's comments:

Agatha currently lives in Cerritos, California but that is not where she finds her inspiration. She has ridden in gondolas through the murky Venetian waters and walked through the markets of Barcelona. If she is not experiencing these sights, then she is dreaming of the next time she will be able to. 

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