Exhaust | Teen Ink


December 15, 2014
By Nick Bass BRONZE, Viera, Florida
Nick Bass BRONZE, Viera, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Exhaust"                                                 Nick Bass

I stand on stage, still,

Nervous to make a mistake

Shaking and waiting.


For the work I will perform

The audience has.

I breathe in the stress

So worried to disappoint

The crowd hesitates

I begin playing

The trumpet sound fills the room

I realize something

Music my language

Carries the stress from my life

And rids of pressure

The breath of tension

The air transmuted to joy

Which leaves like exhaust

The author's comments:

I am a musician and I believe this string of haikus correctly rerpresents the feeling many musicians encounter. Nervousness is usually an inevitable thing but once the performer realizes they are truely performing for themselves and the entertainment of others that is when the true music starts.

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