Fear is too strong... | Teen Ink

Fear is too strong...

June 10, 2018
By Erika.rose SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
Erika.rose SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
8 articles 9 photos 0 comments

Branches after Branches hit her face as she ran. She ran not knowing where she was running to or why. She had no idea what was happening to her. She was running from the most powerful thing… she was running from fear. There was nothing to be afraid of but in her mind there was.
“Please do not run from me… I'm only here to help,” he says confused. He tried to follow her but her fear made her fast.
“You can’t help me. You don’t love me, you never will,” She says shaking with nowhere to run. He steps towards her wanting to hold her in his arms. She turns to run but she stops. She turns around and falls to the ground sobbing.
“Don’t cry, I'm here and I will never hurt you. I want to take care of you. I love you too much to let you run and be alone. You will never be alone,” He says holding her tightly feeling her heartbeat slowing down.
“I cannot run from someone that I care so much about but, I want to take care of you,” she says looking into his soft blue eyes. He picks her up and starts to carry her away out of the woods. They stand together. They are always together. They are safe together. You run from the safest things. Fear powers a lot. Fear keeps you safe but people that care keep you safer.

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