Magician | Teen Ink


June 7, 2018
By RamenApocalypse SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
RamenApocalypse SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Someone needs to tell the truth, but it shouldn't be my job.-Thom Yorke

He always did the best in his job

Hardworking and graceful, he was hardly a slob

Could pull chairs and brooms out his hat

Could make hiccups disappear-now how about that?

In his shows, he could juggle in the blink of an eye

Make birds appear straight out of the sky

Could make his assistants float like a feather

Yet nobody ever came to his shows.

Not a single one.

The seats at his shows are all vacant.

Sometimes he likes to imagine that all the people that said they were going to be there are there, but they aren’t there

If you see this, please remind his friends that he has another show this afternoon.

He wouldn’t want them to miss it once more.

The author's comments:

This is kind of about feeling unappreciated. Like the world is too busy moving to look at you.

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