When Summer Ends | Teen Ink

When Summer Ends

June 7, 2018
By sahenderson1286 BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
sahenderson1286 BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Summer is a dream

A happy dream that can last a lifetime

But also one that gets cut off before anything happens

Summer is a break

A break from all of the horrors of life

While you lie on the beach swallowed in sunscreen

Summer is an excuse

An excuse not to do something that has been looming over your head

As your popsicle drips down your hand as you laugh with your friends

But summer ends

And when summer ends

Your dream ends and

Your break ends and

Your excuse ends and

You are just left to reel away in a cloud of dust blowing in spiral in the air

Like your dream never existed

As if it didn’t happen

And you didn’t exist

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