When You Left | Teen Ink

When You Left

May 22, 2018
By Nickygiltt BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
Nickygiltt BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I look into your beautiful eyes.

Honey colored, with hint of green, similar to the grass that surrounded us, sun just now rising, sending rays of light on us.

No words were exchanged, but the emotion evident in both of our eyes. Emotion that screamed louder than any conversation we had in our rocky past.

I stared at your flawless, latte skin, traveling to your black coffee-colored eyebrows matching your hair that moved, oh so, flawlessly with the motions of the wind. You knew your dark features made you more masculine looking, like you’re not afraid of anything,  but I can see right through your facade. I always could.

As your eyes are deadlocked on mine, my eyes roam down to your pale pink lips that are in somewhat of a pout. I would have laughed if it weren't for the situation we were stuck in.

Suddenly, my arm subconsciously reaches for your face, slowly, to be able to caress your cheek, just one more time, I plead with my eyes, knowing exactly that he knows what I am saying. 

A second before my hand makes contact with his cheeks, he suddenly vanishes with the wind. Leaving me, arm extended out to nothing, my hair slowly moving with the rhythm the wind provides, and a stray tear slowly rolling down my cheek.

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