Poems | Teen Ink


May 18, 2018
By Calliehoward BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
Calliehoward BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Sun
10 years of our lives we spent together
Playing on the playground, taking our childhood years for granted
We didn’t understand the value of our memories together being so young
As the years went by we were growing older
I finally understood what it meant to love someone
Then it came time to part our ways
There was no goodbye
It just happened
Everyday I am getting more and more used to you being gone
I can feel the shivers run through my spine when you come to visit me at times
Not often, but when you do I know you are there
The air suddenly feels warm and the sun shines a little harder
You always reminded me of the sun
Coming and going, leaving me cold during the night time.

I’m looking at you with your curly messy hair
Sitting in the driver seat of your black pick up truck
On our recurring 2am drives
Your blue and green eyes are beaming even in the midnight light
You reach over by me and take my hand
Held it tightly but softly
Sad music blaring through the speakers
You always told me you were different than everyone else
I believed it
But you weren’t
Your empty actions and words that were justified to be okay by my thoughts
Telling myself eventually there will be change and you’ll care
It never happened
Picking up my tainted heart, washing off the dirt and kissing the bruises
I decided to let go and leave
Goodbye I said
Time to love myself
I looked up at the stars laying in the tall green grass
Surrounded by yellow dandelions and daisies
My favorite flowers
The air is crisp and fresh
Everytime I take a deep breath and the fresh air fills my lungs
I forget about you a little more
Your voice faint in my mind
The only thing left are the fading memories
Day by day it all gets easier
Finding grace
I know I am healed

The author's comments:

These poems are driven by love and heartbreak. Most of them were just off of the top of my head, writing down different ideas that flowed together with the sentences. 

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