A child died today | Teen Ink

A child died today

May 15, 2018
By Annieschmit BRONZE, Clarence Center, New York
Annieschmit BRONZE, Clarence Center, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s funny how you say “give them power”
But then you take it all away
As if losing seventeen of their classmates and teachers wasn’t enough for the day
As if they don’t already have an uphill battle to face
No longer should they have to worry that they may hear gunshots in the middle of the day
No longer should mother’s and father’s get calls telling them “I’m so sorry, but your child died today”
This is complete madness. I couldn’t stop crying over this today.
A father had to bury his daughter yesterday and now you’re still saying, “give money to the NRA?”
It’s sick that after a horrific event like this
Our own president still doesn’t try to take these guns away
You claim that teenagers are too young to understand..
Even that child that is living today to talk about how she got shot in the hand?
What we are “too young” for is to worry whether or not we will get shot in school
There must be changes made.
I demand peace today.

The author's comments:

After the shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School, I was absolutely devastated. I watched the news and followed the students that came out of the school alive and was completely amazed by their courage and strength.

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