The Old Man and the Fireplace | Teen Ink

The Old Man and the Fireplace

May 2, 2018
By Carzland GOLD, Watchung, New Jersey
Carzland GOLD, Watchung, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A gale whips through the house
And the petrified timbers suddenly creak
With such a noise that even when
The devil himself comes up to peek
At the ongoings of the world
The old man in his rocking chair
Is not awakened from sleep


The devil started gazing at
The dancing flames in the fireplace
And the loud, shouting pleas that
Could never be heard, now are heard


Rejoiced at being understood
The dancing figures in the fireplace
Surrounded the old man in his rocking chair
Preparing to feel alive once again
But suddenly dawn breaks


The devil, seeing the golden sun arise
Could not be any less surprised
Surely no one would give support
To this piteous old man by the fireplace
But support arrived and the devil in plain sight
Went back into hell to plot demise


And the dancing figures in the fireplace
Were left again, out of place

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