Come Back | Teen Ink

Come Back

May 2, 2018
By scribblesbyjaneellen BRONZE, Duxbury, Massachusetts
scribblesbyjaneellen BRONZE, Duxbury, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Eleanor went to her room, where she was free to think and be wretched"

Come back,


I'm sorry I said you

are not so good at guitar,

or ordered highlighters

without asking.

I won't say

you drink too much.

Even though that mug

doesn't fool anybody. 

You hit mom too much,

but you never hit me

with your fists

The fighting makes me nervous,

but not as much as

my Wedding Day

without a father

to walk me down the aisle.

I do not miss you, my father. 

I miss having a father.

But were you ever one?

Do not come back

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