Through the Seasons | Teen Ink

Through the Seasons

May 7, 2018
By Tana365 BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Tana365 BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was the magic of seeing the first green buds of spring peeking out of the cold, frozen ground, finally waking after a long winter’s sleep.

There was the gratification of finding the most eggs on Easter morning.

There was the tranquility of breathing in the first breath of a spring breeze.

There was the feeling of unwinding when the sun warms you head to toe.

There was the relief of finishing school for the year and to have a chance to relax and unwind from the stress of taking finals.

There was the laze of the oppressing heat of summer.

There was the refreshing feel of sliding into the water of a clear blue pool.

There was the insignificance I felt when gazing, for the first time, at the wide expanse of the Grand Canyon, that you can never quite capture in a photograph.

There was the magnificence of seeing the brilliant pink and gold, glowing sunsets of the mesas.

There was the disdain I felt when looking down from the top of the mountains to see the brown haze over Albuquerque that seemed non-existent at first.

There was the peace I felt when I woke in the forest to smell dew and pine trees.

There was the beauty of the ever-so-slightly changing colors of the fall leaves.

There was the pleasure of crunching leaves under my tennis shoes in the brisk autumn air.

There was the soothingness in my throat of the coolness of the first gulps of water from my first cup of water of the day.

There was the melancholy I felt when the lonesome crow caws, in the bleak, open expanse of a once-filled pumpkin patch, that is now barren except for the dead vines or the occasional rotted, frost bitten pumpkin.

There was the empty sadness of the few missed pumpkins from a patch, once filled with many glorious pumpkins, now filled with the shrivelled, brown stems and vines, glistening in the morning frost.

There was the crisp, sometimes biting, air of the early days of winter.

There was the delight of seeing the first snow of the year in November.

There was the shiver I felt when stepping out into the snow that had appeared overnight.

There was the mirth of singing carols and waking up to find lots of presents under the Christmas tree.

There was the resolve of making New Year's Resolutions, to make one’s self better.
There was the repetition of restarting the cycle of seasons.

The author's comments:

I did this piece on 10th grade for a creative work assignment. I feel proud of this poem.

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