you changed me | Teen Ink

you changed me

April 3, 2018
By Puppy_Lover1 GOLD, Adel, Iowa
Puppy_Lover1 GOLD, Adel, Iowa
17 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
When something goes wrong in your life just yell "PLOT TWIST" and move on

Just because he's little doesn't mean he's sweet he can be sour and bitter but he still a little treat, I feel like it's my responsibility to be the one to play hide and seek, the one to teach him right and wrong after all I feel like it's my job, to make the right decision because he's standing right there in the shadows watching me, doing what I do following my footsteps making my decisions after all I am his big sister the one who knows it all but in reality that's not necessarily true I don't always have the answer even if it's true and he's the one who Let me stop and think he's not always there but he lets me stop and weep sometimes I get angry ready to explode to scream and shout to yell and let go of the fear of the inside me, to cry until it's hard to see to show them who I really am to let go to the fact that I'm not who I want to be I want to be the one who shows him all the rights and wrongs to show him that i'm the big sister that wants to know it all who learned all the ins and outs all the hints and hacks so when he comes up to me I already know the facts because I'm his big sister and he's my little brother no he's the one who changed me.

The author's comments:

if you have a yonger sibiling you know what its like have some one look up to you and what its like to try to be the pirfict rolmodle for them and how hard it is to try to make the right disechins

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This article has 2 comments.

on Apr. 26 2018 at 12:04 pm
Puppy_Lover1 GOLD, Adel, Iowa
17 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
When something goes wrong in your life just yell "PLOT TWIST" and move on

hey feel free to leave a comment and say hey

on Apr. 24 2018 at 11:57 am
Puppy_Lover1 GOLD, Adel, Iowa
17 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
When something goes wrong in your life just yell "PLOT TWIST" and move on

hey guys plz leave a like if you enjoyed this poem