Arizona | Teen Ink


March 6, 2018
By janeashausten SILVER, Clarksville, Maryland
janeashausten SILVER, Clarksville, Maryland
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He was a southwestern breeze

A chilling wind

Taken for granted, aimless

But then I felt what it was like

To see the wind, to feel the air

To be swept away, to finally care

But I couldn't see where he was coming from

Or where he was going

Where he belonged

I could only see where he was

And that was piercing through my heart

The perfect soul, a work of art

He was Arizona

A sort of fiery sweet

Hot like the sun, but beautiful as the moon

With every word I had to swoon

He blew away my worries, my fears

The moving air dried my salt-stained tears

He took me with him wherever he drifted

No control, flying through his cyan sky

And he, he showed me

Every reason why

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