Little Brother | Teen Ink

Little Brother

March 5, 2018
By KaiyaBryanna SILVER, Gainesville , Florida
KaiyaBryanna SILVER, Gainesville , Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I love him
I love him not
He loves me
He loves me not

He messes up my room
I make him cry
He says he's going to tell
I say go ahead and try

He stomps his little feet out my door
I laugh, then go after him
I tickle him onto the floor
He shrieks with laughter

He forgets why he was upset
Then he ends up in my room again
I swear he's like a little pet
Then we "fight" all over again

I love him
I love him not
He loves me
He loves me not

The author's comments:

To my little Brother Dylan (6) , no matter what I'll always love you, (no matter how annoying.. )

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