Red Dress | Teen Ink

Red Dress MAG

February 21, 2018
By ElizSyrah417 BRONZE, Prospect, Kentucky
ElizSyrah417 BRONZE, Prospect, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

a wild eruption of silk and skin:

the fabric swirls with her caramel curls,

wind brushes up against her legs,

lifting the blossoming rose skirt.

intense, hot, red flutters around,

as if she were soaring with the wind.

she can feel her stomach twist,

and she spreads her arms to dance

around and around and around,

she spins in the bare gray room.

muscles tensing, she feels so alive.

but all the same, she is still trapped

in that gray box,

with her red dress.

so, she dances –

The author's comments:

This poem is describing a mysterious woman, who dances to express her emotions. She is trapped in a strange space with no way to escape, and spends her time in eternal motion. 

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