Simplicity and Flair | Teen Ink

Simplicity and Flair

January 7, 2018
By SanjanaB BRONZE, North Brunswick, New Jersey
SanjanaB BRONZE, North Brunswick, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A peacock flashes luxuriant plumage, intricate and rich.
It invites admiration, and has power to bewitch.
A swan is a humble creature, adorned in only white.
It radiates nobility as does the tranquil night.

A peacock preens and strikes a pose;
Its vibrant plumage glares like a rose.
A swan is pure and elegant as it glides across a lake;
its feet moving discreetly, barely a ripple in its wake.

A peacock flaunts a crown of gold, set with precious stones--
It gleams with vibrant colors in many different tones.
A swan bears a common crown embellished in no way--
It embodies pure modesty, with nothing to display.

Peacocks and swans are both birds, the most majestic of their race,
They both have feathers soft as velvet; they both exhibit grace.
Yet, though they’re quite admirable and grand beyond compare,
A swan conveys simplicity; a peacock depicts flair.

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