A World of Color and Darkness | Teen Ink

A World of Color and Darkness

October 26, 2017
By gmorris21 BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
gmorris21 BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We were surrounded in a world of color
The meadow was serene and quiet

Birds, like a choir sang from the cherry blossoms
The wind whistled a gentle song, similar to the birds

Clouds above dimmed their pink to purple,
then shadows blue

The sun’s rays seized our faces
Giving us a faint, yet soothing tan

Rain started to fall out of nowhere
Every second it came down harder and harder

The little chirps from the birds abruptly stopped

Suddenly, dark clouds dominated the sky’s vibrant color
The wind’s shriek became deafening

Thunder rumbled like a bowling alley in heaven
The angels began to flicker the lights, lightning

The meadow was no longer serene, nor quiet
We were surrounded in a world of darkness

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