The Leaf Leading Downward | Teen Ink

The Leaf Leading Downward

September 17, 2017
By LilyFQC SILVER, Anita, Iowa
LilyFQC SILVER, Anita, Iowa
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."<br /> -Unknown

The Leaf Leading downward,

Spiraling towards the ground,

from the tree up above,

letting the leaf go

The leaf is a different color than it was before,

From green,

To orange, 

To yellow

The Leaf Leading Downward has many friends,

Many brothers and sisters,

None are the same,

But all

are from the tree up above

The author's comments:

In the fall, the leaves change colors, and it really interests me. I hope that other people can see the beauty in nature like I do.

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