I am the wind | Teen Ink

I am the wind

May 19, 2017
By QueenKylie GOLD, Waxahachie, Texas
QueenKylie GOLD, Waxahachie, Texas
14 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
if you run into a wall don't turn around and give up. figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it

Someone told me that I am like the wind
I am here, then I am gone
You feel me for a second
On your face
In your hair
Then I’m gone
I can’t control where I go
And you can’t catch me
Just enjoy me while you can
Feel me on your face
In your hair
On your arms
Because the next moment
I’m gone
I can be dangerous like a tornado
Steady should I flow
Hold on to me
Cause baby I am the

The author's comments:

Someone very special to me told me that I am like the wind with my inability to stay in one place, so I wrote this

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