As I Closed My Eyes | Teen Ink

As I Closed My Eyes

January 21, 2017
By SongJ29 BRONZE, Potomac, Maryland
SongJ29 BRONZE, Potomac, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I closed my eyes,
I felt the night envelop me.
The stars dipped under the slits of my eyes,
My whole body untangled itself,
Of everything life had thrown at it,
But my mind ceased to let go.
All my thoughts molded together,
A mixture,
Of black and white,
Of peace and destruction.
I saw the tranquil waves,
As it caressed the shore.
Yet I heard the roar of a lion,
As it pursued my swinging tail.
I smelled—tasted the delicious cake,
That Grandma had baked.
But when I tried to grasp, to feel, these thoughts,
They evaded me,
Escaping between my fingertips,
Dancing in the hopes of my mind,
Waiting to tell another tale.

The author's comments:

Dreams have always interested me. I feel so connected to these thoughts when I sleep but I can never comprehend their meaning when I wake up. Dreams will always remain shrouded in mystery, a treasure chest that has no key. 

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