Alexander Hamilton | Teen Ink

Alexander Hamilton

January 20, 2017
By Shahzaib BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Shahzaib BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Alexander Hamilton,
Everybody knows who he is,
Born as a orphan
Not very wealthy
Sitting on his front porch
Facing a tragedy


Left the island
To discover the world
Intelligent kid
Got a free admission


In college
Started to succeed
Discovered his home
The New York City


Studied Latin and Greek
Became sixteen
Went for doctory
Later saw this as a catastrophe
Changed his mind
Got into history
Worked hours on writing
He began to see this as a lighting

Alexander Hamilton
Everybody knows who he is,
Walked in Politics
And put himself between the bricks.


Battle of Lexington and Concord
Is what got him into this fight
Made up a drill unit
screwed people into it.


Taught to shoot
He thought he playing Kahoot
Not so easy
Was this big of a fight

He fought on the battlefield
This got him his feel
Became captain of the continental Army
never thought he was gonna have this good of a duty.

Who is this guy
How so lucky
From an orphan not wealthy
Became a man of the army.
His name is Alexander Hamilton

The author's comments:

I am a sophmore that do peotry from the top of my head. Whatever comes I write down. 

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