The Dark Plague | Teen Ink

The Dark Plague

January 20, 2017
By mdsprague19 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
mdsprague19 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Bears. Beats. Battlestar Galactica."

Listen for my cry, pleads of mercy in my pain
My agony, my best friend, is beginning to betray me
I close my eyes hoping for death, hoping it would set me free
It is the only escape, this is rooted deep in my brain
“My end is near,” I say, “Please, just leave me here,”

My cries grow louder, yet it is the silence that makes me weak
An empty hallway, the white is almost blinding
Every breath that I breathe, it gives me a reminding
The pain stretches through me, it lets me have a peek
“My end is near,” I whisper, “Please, just leave me here,”

The pain drives me up that next morning
Rotting in a hospital bed is not how I will spend my final days
My muscles clench, my head spins into a haze
I reach for something to grab, but my legs give up without warning
“My end is near,” I mutter, “Please, just leave me here,”

Blood pools out of my broken nose, onto the dirty floor
The bitter taste of blood seeps down my throat, I tremble with fear
I stick out my bony hand and shriek, praying someone would hear
My mind screams to me I can’t take this anymore!
“My end is near,” I beg, “Please, just leave me here,”

Hours later I stumble back on my swollen feet
Wondering though an endless hallway, every door locked shut
Something didn’t feel right, it wasn’t settling in my gut
The silence was screaming at me, my pain still incomplete
“My end is near,” I mumble, “Please, just leave me here,”

Dragging myself through this lonely wasteland
I uncover a door unlocked, my hands twists the knob
Entering a dark room, off in the distance, I hear a quiet sob
My body drags itself towards it, hoping it could give a helping hand
“My end is near,” A girl says, “Please, just leave me here,”

Her eyes drip with the water of sadness and hate
They look up to me, wondering what I’m still doing in this place
She sits up suddenly, causing my heart to race
Her gentle face shows me a smile, this must be fate
“Our end is near,” I tell her, “Please, we need to get out of here,”

She sticks out her pale hand, I clench it with mine
We wander through the endless room, straight into the light
At the end of this tunnel, I give up my fight
The sickness is over, I have reached my decline
My end is here, I tell myself, thank you for not leaving me here.

The author's comments:

Inspired by my name. My menor text was "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe.

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