netflix. | Teen Ink


January 13, 2017
By Anonymous

Netflix teaches us
  Their movies inspire us
  And every good movie needs
The warm, buttery flavor of popcorn
  And a icy cold coke
  One who embarks
  On a day long marathon
Of crying and screaming
  Clutching the remote
  Unsure if the wifi will stay steady
  My father started paying the netflix bill
  When I was 7 years old
  We didn't have movies of our own
  Just the blockbuster rentals
  Just cheap enough
  For a single father

  My father lost his job
  When i was 16
  Just as our account dropped
  He begged our neighbor to
  Borrow his netflix for the time being
  Who had family in every city
  Who all used his netflix account
  they  loved the netflix as if it was their own
  I stared upon our tv
  Waiting for someone to get off
  So i could finally watch netflix

But the netflix usually
  Only allows one viewer at a time
  Most of my shows show blood
  From the gorey dialog that is aired
  That is rated PG 13
When i was a kid id hear the tv saying
  “If you ever want to see her again then you'll give me the money”
  Popular belief is that PG 13 movies
  Shouldn't be watch by the younger crowd
  With impressionable minds
  We assume that most children can watch  it
  And be mature like the older people watching
  Netflix even has a setting for only kids movies
  We see kid movies as innocent
Characters making kids laugh

But how many days out of the week
Am i binge watching netflix
By staying in bed all day
Or laid up on the couch
Pulled into the magical world of netflix

How many times that i've rewatched the same movie
That was amazingly awful
And i am still not sick of it
As much as i watch it
Is crazy is it not?
Hating the idea of not being able to remember
The little details
So i rewatch over and over again
It just means that i like to remember
The little things in life

My father stepped up
To the challenge of binge watching
It's a voluntary action that he chose to take
Parents are not always up to the task
And they can be just as good at netflixing
But they're always busy doing work
But that counts for something right

So this is for the people that binge watch
The ones who stay up hours at a time
  Who watched 3 seasons in one night
  And created a real problem with binge watching
  Who allowed no one else to watch netflix
  Or even watch tv
  Long before netflix was even created
  This is for the ones who faithfully
  Paid their $8 a month netflix bill
  This is for the ones who have
  Canceled plans to stay in
  And watch netflix
  The one that needed to watch
  Last season before the new one aired
  To hit continue is to move forward
  And to go through seasons
Like wildfires
Thank you netflix for uploading new shows
For keeping up with my recently watched
For cramming so many seasons in one night
Thank you netflix for choosing shows that i would like
When i'm confused on what to watch
And i know that you'll be there to suggest a movie
Thank you netflix for shaping my life
Around being a couch potato
Keeping me inside when i could have been
Somewhere else and have gotten hurt
Thank you for always being
My break up support

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