Sea of the Moon | Teen Ink

Sea of the Moon

December 7, 2016
By rando667799 SILVER, Houston, Texas
rando667799 SILVER, Houston, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
No matter how tough the meat may be, it's going to be tender if you slice it thin enough. Guy Fieri

I threw a dream upon a dream

and then the starlight touched

shooting forth a sunbeam

that curdled into rust

I felt a sigh inside the willow

While being smothered by my pillow

In the place where crystals joined

Said when the crashing of comets

Rises up the dreary hill

Then the pain is left behind

Moaning on the windowsill

I could wish for a star

That would bring forth the fire

A wish of gently used passion

To be scraped weary and tired

To paint away all hope

And plaster every love

Coat them all different colors

Like a rainbow dipped dove

But all thats really left

Is the connection of insight

Where the dream inside a dream

Is wronger than right 

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