Nightmare | Teen Ink


December 12, 2016
By aanikan2 SILVER, New City, New York
aanikan2 SILVER, New City, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What a Time, to be Alive

August becomes autumn, leaves all
Fall. Slowly, subtly and all at once. Dragged down to that
thunder above calm currents. As we
Breathe salty breeze deeply, but drown at sea.
In sweet shallows? Or
is it just a seam
that disguised the truth for what it is.
The sun seeped through the fog filled fear, but
Time stood still. Was it even a
journey or a dream.
What was once within,
One day, will it be worth it. While winter whispered, so did a
Sudden death of a darling dream

The author's comments:

The last word of each line is from Edgar Allen Poe's "A Dream within a Dream". Inspired for the persepective of life and what it appears to be versus its reality. 

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