Fill in the Blank | Teen Ink

Fill in the Blank

December 6, 2016
By HClare BRONZE, Hudson, Colorado
HClare BRONZE, Hudson, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's a fire that burns with desire,

Flashes and blackens out, flashes and blackens out.

Always returning to comsume more of you,

And yours truly.

It is a hiss from a snake,

A growl from a bear ready to strike.

A cauldron of poison,

A raging war.

Consuming you-

And yours dearly.

Some call it a stomach full of butterflies,

Fluttering, flying, sickening.

It is always there,

Waiting, wanting, waiting for someone.

It's something that rhymes with fate.

It's ___________________________.

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