Tourist, Alligators, and Cats | Teen Ink

Tourist, Alligators, and Cats

November 29, 2016
By Anonymous

When my sister’s friends came to visit
The only wildlife she feared was mosquitoes
And alligators
And perhaps... cougars….maybe?
She figured she would be safe inside the house
As far as she knew alligators still haven't figured how to pick locks
Little did she know
The most dangerous creature of them all was living under the same roof
Melody, the tuxedo cat
She had seen that cat before
In instagram photos
But she did not know the full extent of her power
The full extent of the danger
She brushed off all the warnings as a joke
A cat, what could she do
Choke me with a hairball?!
Until night time had arrived
And she experienced the most terrifying moment of her life
My sister had already fallen asleep on the top bunk
Leaving her friend exposed to the dangers in the dark
And just as sleep was creeping over her eyelids
She heard something shift under the bed
But dismissed it and closed her eyes
until she heard boxes being scratched and felt the covers being pulled at
Just as she was rising to investigate
A dark figure jumped on the bed
approached her silent as death
Glowing eyes took in her fear
And a smug purr rang through the air
A second before sharp claws sunk into the flesh of her thigh
She endured some pain
Until her screams woke up my sister
My sister just laughed at her misery and told her to go back to bed
And in the morning
Over orange juice and eggs
My sister’s friend chucked a croissant at my sister’s head

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