Then Came Rain(Hope For Us) | Teen Ink

Then Came Rain(Hope For Us)

November 4, 2016
By alawondetheophilus SILVER, Ogbomosho, Oklahoma
alawondetheophilus SILVER, Ogbomosho, Oklahoma
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is not enough darkness in the world, to put out the light of a candle.

we had experienced a long period of drought

when the sun mercilessly scorched our backs

and our mouths were as dry as chaff

our soil rock hard lick the himalayas

and even the most persevering amongst us

had no choice than to give all up

the skies had been playing on us

dark this minute revivin our hopes

then the wind howls resistingg the rain

and the thunder claps frightening it

the skies clear up

sending our hopes

to where they had come

our elders had held a meeting

and concluded that it was our sin

that made our ancestors transfer the water

from the skies into heavenly drums

and so a unanimous conclusion was reached

that we should appease the gods

with a sacrifice


then came this memorable day

when the skies darkened

reviving our hopes yet again

the wind howled as was its practice

the lightning struck and the thunder threatened

then the wind whispered and then it sighed

and at last gave in to drops of rain

expectant us lifted our eyes hollow eyes

in a weary supplication

to gods and ancestors

we believe have abandoned us.


then the drop become a patter

and our deep socketed eyes

release pent up emotions

in form of tears

that had been too strong for our

hopeless minds

we take bowls pans buckets and plates

of varying sizes shapes and colours

and set them under dirty roofs

to collect mucky refreshing rainwater


that night

the flutist took his flute

and moved to the square

he summoned the energetic drummers

already at their positions

behind giant drums

and dancers with nimble feet

both the aged and the young

found pleasure once more

in doing what they could do

the full moon as if invited

graced the occasion in her glory

and the too aged ones

with suckling babes and mothers

who could not be there

moved to the rhthym at home

remembering their own days

and looking forward to their own days


the men aided by the moon

engaged in all sorts

of long forgotten games


our plants were not left out

long bent due to the drought

the reared theirn heads

and gave their own dance

as we played so we prayed

and appeased our gods our ancestors

never to visit us with such long break---


The author's comments:

I just thought of how a village will look like, with close relationships, and everyone being related to one another, hence the free verse, my first!

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