Light to Dark | Teen Ink

Light to Dark

October 31, 2016
By hrj519 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
hrj519 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun greets “hello”—
she kisses the Earth with magnificence and grace
and illuminates her rays on life below.
Like a visual alarm clock to start the day,
nature slowly awakens
and animals rise from where they lay.


The sun waves goodbye—
she paints the sky for her departure
but assures the land she will never die.
Yellow, orange, and red spread like fire,
a flaming delicacy above the brisk air,
and although bewitching and hypnotizing, she is not dire.


The moon gleams “hi”—
he casts his radiance in the gloom
and billions of stars scintillate in the sky.
Nocturnal wildlife get to work
fully rested and prepared for what is to come,
the night is the perfect place to lurk.

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