LGBT- Love Knows No Limits | Teen Ink

LGBT- Love Knows No Limits

October 15, 2016
By Fallen.Crye PLATINUM, Womelsdorf, Pennsylvania
Fallen.Crye PLATINUM, Womelsdorf, Pennsylvania
21 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"... but remember, it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." - Atticus Finch (To Kill A Mockingbird)

In our current society, labels out number our population.

Everyone has to be this or this or this or this or...


Although that choice goes for a daunting price.

Too much blood has flown from the ones

punished for who they're meant to be.


Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, do we have to label everyone?

When someone says, Damn, that's gay!

Respond with, I know, it's awesome right?


Homosexuality is found in over 450 species,

while Homophobia is only found in one.

What's unnatural now?


Some guys are girls, some girls are guys,

Some guys are both, and girls are both,

Some are neither, picking their own,

While some are wandering aimlessly between.

So what?


Some guys like girls, some girls like guys.

Some guys like guys, some girls like girls,

Some guys like guys and girls,

While some girls like girls and guys.

And some, don't fall in love

That's THEIR life. Deal with it.

Don't get me wrong, I can't be sane, right?

I support this CRAZY thought that everyone should have equal rights.

Did you hear what I just said?

Did you hear?

Did you HEAR?


Ohhhh, someone lock me away,

I'm CLEARLY corrupt somewhere in the whirlpool I call my mind.

If I could have chosen to be gay or straight,

I'd have chosen to simply be happy.


...but that's a synonym, so I'd be gay either way, heh...


Even if it was a choice... so what?

People choose to be... certian choice words... and THEY can get married!

Closets are for clothes, so let us out of them.

If you don't, realize that the door makes for good fire fuel...


It isn't voluntary. But hate is. Love doesn't know gender.

Don't talk about that gay wedding. It's simply a wedding.

Gay is not a synonym for stupid, so I suggest you update your vocabulary

Blue, Pink, Heart.

Blue, Blue, Heart.

Pink, Pink, Heart.

Solitary heart.


Love knows no limit.

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