Change | Teen Ink


October 9, 2016
By FrancesDonnelly BRONZE, Flushing, Michigan
FrancesDonnelly BRONZE, Flushing, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Birds chirp
The cold wind blows
Turning leaves dance in the wind
The sky is gray
An empty bag floats across the road,
All alone
The breeze enters the holes through my sweater,
I feel it on my pale skin
I shiver
Puddles reflect the gloomy sky above
A worm inches across the sidewalk
My teeth chatter
Chills are sent my spine
Clouds so dark and dreary
Wet moss surrounds the oak tree
I realize
Summer is no longer here

The author's comments:

Where I live the weather is changing to fall. As I sat outside one day I was inspired to write this poem about what I saw.

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