awake | Teen Ink


October 6, 2016
By FrancesDonnelly BRONZE, Flushing, Michigan
FrancesDonnelly BRONZE, Flushing, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I should study for my test
I should clean my room
Instead I go to bed
Off to sleep I went
So many responsibilities
But I go to sleep
Tuck myself in
And dream
Sleep away the problems
Only to wake to a bigger mess
Sleep again
Temporarily everything disappears
Nothing changes
Floating light as air
Sleeping away my life
Each day
I can never get enough sleep
I love sleep

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem because I actually do this. I'm always tired and I sleep constantly. This may be a cause from my personal issues. Although, I think a lot of people, especially teenagers can relate to this poem.

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